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Monday, December 10, 2012

INSIGHT: Part-Time Vs Full-Time Business?

I was watching a training video by Donna Imson yesterday and she mentioned that there is a trap people find themselves in when they do the QNET business part-time. This got me thinking about the way I market the QNET opportunity to my working class prospects. You see, I usually market that this business opportunity can be done part-time or full-time, stating that it depends on the prospect and what they want for their lives. It's all part of a sales pitch to entice the prospect into buying into the concept. Today I would like to share my insights and provide a tip to anyone already in the business or thinking of joining QNET and wish to do it part-time.

Everyone loves a great deal. Once word gets out that you're offering an opportunity with great benefits at a low investment cost, you'll soon find yourself with more prospects than you can handle! It's not a bad place to be in this industry, but eventually you realize that you're working many more hours than before, especially if you don't have a team of your own! What was once a fun part-time hobby suddenly turns into a wildfire of a business! GREAT, RIGHT?! If so, why then won't you decide to do the business full-time and give up your day job?

Some say it's because they could never give up the great benefits they already receive from their jobs. Others say it's because the amount they would make working part time would never be able to support them full time. Some say it's because running a small business is too risky. Well, whatever the reason for not doing part time work is, you're right. This begs the question of which option is better, doing your business part-time or full-time?

If you spend more time on your business, you are naturally going to make more money because you'll be taking yourself seriously and so will those around you. You'll start saying, "I am an IR of QNET" instead of "I am also an IR of QNET". You'll have more prospects who will send you more referrals and share your message with more people. You may be asking yourself, why should you do your business full-time when you already have a full-time job that caters to all your needs and wants. Well, when you work for yourself;

  • No one can fire you.
  • No one can downsize your benefits.
  • No one can determine what age you'll be able to retire.
  • You control what benefits you receive.
  • You control how your retirement money is invested and spent.
  • You can always have "the corner office with the view".
  • You control how your business is run.
  • You control how much money you make each month.
  • You control your vacation and sick time.
  • You decide how much your time is worth.
  • You control who you get to work with.
  • You decide how long you want to work.

When you look at it closely, working for yourself is a lot less risky than working for someone else. I don't want to make it sound too easy, because it's certainly not something you should pursue if you prefer to just float by in life and let others control your life and future. If you do decide to partake in the QNET business only part-time and you later find yourself really enjoying the business then you need to seriously consider why you are still remaining in your other full-time job that is your primary source of income for it is holding you back from having more control over your life?

"It is far better to be a full-time entrepreneur and a part-time employee rather than be a full-time employee and a part-time entrepreneur." Anonymous.

If you are already in the business part-time or ever decide to join QNET and be a part-time entrepreneur and you are ready to go full-time, refer to your direct up-line. They will mentor and guide you for they have been in the business for a while and know best how to make you a success in the business. Aim to foster with them a mutual relationship based on helping each other grow in the business rather than a teaching-centered relationship which tends to be a one-way street and is less productive.

If you are not an IR of QNET already, joining QNET on a part-time basis is a good way for you to "test the waters" and to find out if you are truly cut out to run your own business, but it shouldn't be your end goal. To truly experience to full potential of the QInfinite plan, you have to be willing to take the jump from part-time to full-time, only then will you be able to start earning the US$6,800 Bronze star to US$20,100 Diamond star rather than the US$ 200 Bronze star to US$300 Diamond star weekly commissions.   if you are ready to start your journey to financial freedom.

If you have any feedback or comment, please leave it below in the comment box with your name. I would love to hear what you have to say on this topic!