One thing I have noticed with many people that I have spoken to is that they seem to be looking for that winning lottery ticket. They have no concept of what it really takes to become successful in network marketing. I have had to tell some prospects not to even think about joining my business because they were not ready and would ultimately fail! A network marketing business is a long term business and just like any business it takes time! And I have no time for the whiners and complainers! People like these will only bring any business down.
Some people join QNET with the perception that they are going to get rich by pushing a button!
They think they will be successful within their first few weeks and even more hilarious they think they will talk to 10 people or even less and hit it big. Sometimes it is not their fault that they think like this! That is why it is super important that a sponsor such as myself does not make false promises to get them to join.
As a sponsor it is my job to inform my new recruits that they are going to have to work their business like it’s going out of style. It is so important that I get my prospects to see the same vision as i or their own unique vision. It’s important for me to find out their WHY in their business and if they are joining to have a hobby or if they want to earn serious money. Once I find this out then I need to ask them how far they would like for me to push them.
I do not know how many times I have been absolutely blown away by people in my business I thought wouldn't make it that turned out to be ROCK STARS! It’s almost like the one’s you think are going to do it, never do and the one’s you think won’t, always do! You may even notice this trend as you continue through your growth in your business. Look at me for example I was probably the worst recruit ever!
I told my sponsor as soon as I joined QNET not to expect me to sell anything!
Do you wish to know more about QNET and their business opportunity? This is the blog for you and anyone like you interested in finding out more about QNET, their products and business opportunity. Each post is dedicated to answering a specific question in as much detail as I can offer. The aim of this blog is to help you gain a clear understanding of this great company in the hopes that when you do decide to join our family, you do so with a clear mind free of any doubts.
Blog Pages
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
QNET Infinite: Step Commission Explained
QNET recently introduced eight different ways to earn commissions and if you heard of QNET from a friend or stranger, then it is likely that you have been briefed on what the step commission is. If however you have never heard of it or you just require some clarification, this post is meant to give you a summary of some of the key features the new enhanced plan has to offer. Okay, let us get started.
QNET's step commission utilises a balanced binary plan. A binary plan, if you do not know, is a compensation plan which allows distributors to have only two front-line distributors. If a distributor sponsors more than two distributors, the excess are placed at levels below the sponsoring distributors front-line.
Distributors must ‘balance’ their two down-line legs to receive commissions, and in QNET's case, distributors are required to have a minimum of 500 BV's on either side of their down-line legs in order to recieve commissions.
Commission payout is no longer based on the accumulation of commissionable unit volumes (CUV's), but rather the accumulation of business volumes (BV's). Each product offered by QNET now has a unique business volume. To recieve weekly commissions, distributors and their teams are required to accumulate a minimum of 3,000 BV's, and depending on rank may recieve USD 200 to USD 300 per week.
NOTE: IR's must be qualified and activated in order to start earning step commissions.
QNET's step commission utilises a balanced binary plan. A binary plan, if you do not know, is a compensation plan which allows distributors to have only two front-line distributors. If a distributor sponsors more than two distributors, the excess are placed at levels below the sponsoring distributors front-line.
Distributors must ‘balance’ their two down-line legs to receive commissions, and in QNET's case, distributors are required to have a minimum of 500 BV's on either side of their down-line legs in order to recieve commissions.
Commission payout is no longer based on the accumulation of commissionable unit volumes (CUV's), but rather the accumulation of business volumes (BV's). Each product offered by QNET now has a unique business volume. To recieve weekly commissions, distributors and their teams are required to accumulate a minimum of 3,000 BV's, and depending on rank may recieve USD 200 to USD 300 per week.
NOTE: IR's must be qualified and activated in order to start earning step commissions.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
QNET Infinite: Repeat Purchase Plan Explained
The official introduction of the QNET Infinite on 14TH April 2012 has led to a rise of new questions from prospects and IR's such as myself. I have taken it upon myself to clear up the cobwebs lingering in my head thanks in part to the new QInfinite Learning Club and my upline's assistance. I hope that by the end of this post, some of your own questions will have been answered.
When I joined QNET four yeas ago, the unique feature about the business at the time was it's concept of one time purshase. You only had to purchase one unique product from QNET's vast catalogue to become a member. This was, at the time, far different from other direct selling companies that required you to purchase consumable products on a monthly basis. This was great because it meant that you only had to invest once and focus on building your business. Any other purchases made would activate your other tracking centers or even award you more tracking centers.
NOTE: Think of tracking centres as office brunches. Each branch generates its own Business Volumes and gets paid a comission. So the more "branches" you have, the bigger the overall commission payout.
Am glad to say that this concept has not changed. You can still make one time purchases if you so desire. The introduction of the QInfinite Repeat Purchasing Plan caters to those of you out there who plan on making the same purchase of certain products every month. Products such as Amezcua Lifestyle Set, Salba, Fiber Fit, Ole, NutriSky, BioSilver Gel, Physio Radiance, etc are just some of QNET's consumable product line that need to be repeat purchased when your personal supply is close to running out.
How does the Repeat Purchase Plan work?
When I joined QNET four yeas ago, the unique feature about the business at the time was it's concept of one time purshase. You only had to purchase one unique product from QNET's vast catalogue to become a member. This was, at the time, far different from other direct selling companies that required you to purchase consumable products on a monthly basis. This was great because it meant that you only had to invest once and focus on building your business. Any other purchases made would activate your other tracking centers or even award you more tracking centers.
NOTE: Think of tracking centres as office brunches. Each branch generates its own Business Volumes and gets paid a comission. So the more "branches" you have, the bigger the overall commission payout.
Am glad to say that this concept has not changed. You can still make one time purchases if you so desire. The introduction of the QInfinite Repeat Purchasing Plan caters to those of you out there who plan on making the same purchase of certain products every month. Products such as Amezcua Lifestyle Set, Salba, Fiber Fit, Ole, NutriSky, BioSilver Gel, Physio Radiance, etc are just some of QNET's consumable product line that need to be repeat purchased when your personal supply is close to running out.
How does the Repeat Purchase Plan work?